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captioned image of Victor Purolnik, founder of Trustshoring.
Product Stories
7 Common Software Development Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

All of our episodes

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Software Development

Project Estimations: How to do it the right way.

Episode 44
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How Can a Non-Technical Founder Judge Code Quality?

Episode 43
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How Much Does It Cost to Build Software or an App?

Episode 42
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How to run and operate multiple SaaS businesses

Episode 41
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SaaS Pricing done right – Analyses from 250 Pricing Pages

Episode 40
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SaaS Security

Compliance for Working with Enterprise Customers (GDPR, HIPAA, SOC2, DPA)

Episode 38
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SaaS Security

Chargebacks, Fraud & Internationalization: Top tips from Paddle!

Episode 39
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Understanding and working with developers as a non-technical founder

Episode 37
01 02 04 05 06 09 10
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