Home / Podcast / Compliance for Working with Enterprise Customers (GDPR, HIPAA, SOC2, DPA)

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Compliance for Working with Enterprise Customers (GDPR, HIPAA, SOC2, DPA)

Compliance for Working with Enterprise Customers
SaaS Security
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Compliance for Working with Enterprise Customers (GDPR, HIPAA, SOC2, DPA)



Are you looking for a way to understand GDPR, HIPAA, SOC2, DPA, and others so that you can sell to enterprise customers?

Today’s guest is Girish Redekar from Sprinto. He knows all about compliance with these certificates because he’s gone through the process dozens of times, and his company works with these compliances.

In this episode, you’ll hear Girish explain who enterprise customers are, the types of different compliances, and what’s involved in the requirements.

Episode Highlights/Topics:

  • How Girish ended up in this space and how he does compliance
  • When it becomes relevant that a client is an enterprise client and what an enterprise client is
  • Why it’s imperative for enterprise customers to be compliant
  • The different types of compliance
  • Whether it’s possible to find a solution that ensures compliance with all or most of these
  • compliances
  • What the law wants consumers to be able to do or companies not to do
  • Keeping logs of who has access to data
  • What SOC2 requires you to do to make sure everything is safe and secure
  • How to prove you’re capable of compliance
  • What to do to become compliant with various data protection measures
  • How Sprinto helps with compliance
  • How people can learn more or find Girish

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