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captioned image of Victor Purolnik, founder of Trustshoring.
Product Stories
7 Common Software Development Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

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Product Management

Improve the user experience and optimize conversions using UX testing with Quinn Zeda from Conversion Crimes

Episode 12
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How product-led growth enables you to build a better product and onboard people faster with less support overhead

Episode 11
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The challenges and benefits of building an entire startup team in Eastern Europe with Nick Jordan from ContentDistribution

Episode 10
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Product Management

How to scale fast by building the right solutions with Customer Journey Mapping with Jochem van der Veer from TheyDo

Episode 9
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How to turn an internal software tool into a SaaS with $100k MRR with Amar Ghose from ZenMaid

Episode 8
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How to massively scale a SaaS using partnerships and integrations with David Henzel, CEO of Upcoach

Episode 7
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Throwing spaghetti at the wall: building quick 6-week prototypes to find a product that sticks with Robin Warren from Corrello & Blue Cat Reports

Episode 6
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From prototype over MVP to scalable software – the right developers for every stage with Upile Chasowa from WorkClub

Episode 5
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