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captioned image of Victor Purolnik, founder of Trustshoring.
Product Stories
7 Common Software Development Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

All of our episodes

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AI-Powered SaaS: Everything Founders Need to Know to Transform Their Businesses Today!

Episode 52
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Tech teams

Hiring Software Developers Remotely: How to avoid scams

Episode 51
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Product Management

The Scrum Trap: How Misusing Agile Can Stall Your SaaS Development

Episode 50
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Product Management

How Can You Maintain Your Software After Launch?

Episode 49
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Tech teams

Software Agencies vs. In-House Tech Teams: Which Is Better? When Should You Switch?

Episode 48
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How Can You Quickly and Cheaply Onboard Users for Your SaaS?

Episode 47
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Is It Better to Get a Technical Co founder, Hire a CTO, or Go At It Alone?

Episode 46
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Software Development

What Programming Language Would I Choose if I Was to Start All Over Again?

Episode 45
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