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captioned image of Victor Purolnik, founder of Trustshoring.
Product Stories
7 Common Software Development Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

All of our episodes

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Improve Onboarding, Activation and Retention with a better UX with Peter Loving from UserActive

Episode 20
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Secrets from 15 years of managing remote-first engineering teams with Hannes Kleist, from Stanwood

Episode 19
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The journey of becoming a product manager and building software to improve your industry with Shruti Bansal

Episode 18
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Product Management

How a strong product vision improves both your product and marketing efforts with Aggelos Mouzakitis from Growth Sandwich

Episode 17
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From funding to exit – pivots, flexible engineering, and B2C marketing with Idan Yalovich from Zest

Episode 16
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How good design drives sales, saves on development, and increases life-time value with Lukas Klement and Laure Joumier

Episode 15
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Product Management

Build better products faster by learning the basics of product management with Enzo Avigo from Junedotso

Episode 14
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How to validate and bring SaaS ideas to $1k MRR with Shane White

Episode 13
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